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The startup Favo Tecnologia was founded in Curitiba (Brazil) with the mission to enable the practice of urban agriculture. Although the main focus of the company isthe artefacts, their selling number is limited. Service design is a interdisciplinary field that involve strategies that creates and improvesservices for the company and their clients. This paper uses the case study as a method for the holistic comprehension of the company’s context and the connection of the users with the urban farming culture. Besides, it utilizes service design tools with the main goal ofsolvingthe problem detected. The satisfaction unit that guided the strategy of the PSS focused on the preventive health and care of peoplebetween 35 to 80 years oldandthe valorization of the knowledge exchange between the stakeholders inthe support to healthier and more sustainable eating habits.


DUARTE, Gabriela Garcez, LOPES, Elenice, COSTA, Lucas Lobato da, GONÇALVES, Mariana Schmitz, SANTOS; Aguinaldo dos.

Published in Presentations